How Do I Clean My Ring?


Your jewellery may tarnish over time, especially if it has sat unworn for a while, been swimming in natural hot pools or had contact with certain cleaning chemicals. The black colour in our etchings is actually a form of tarnish which we apply and then sand off the surface to leave the etchings darkened.

Once you're wearing your jewellery you shouldn't have any problems as tarnishing is prevented by rubbing against your clothes and everyday wear.

The good news is tarnishing is totally fixable. With a little care and attention, your piece can be brought back to its original look.


Go over the entire surface with 600 grit sandpaper followed by an abrasive rubber. If you'd like do it yourself we can send you one of our free care kits.

If you'd like us to do it for you, just get in touch.

And check out this (quick) video on how it's done.

Another option to take the shine off your ring is to rub your piece with a green 3M dish scrubber. Go over the surface in tiny circles and the tarnish should come off.

If you have diamonds in your piece they will be fine - you can't scratch them but if you have any other stones be very careful not to touch them as even dish scrubbers can damage them.


A quick buff with a jewellery polishing cloth should do the trick. We can send you one of our free care kits or if you'd like us to do it, just get in touch.

Don't worry! If things go wrong we can always sort it out.

If you run into any trouble, you're welcome to send your piece back to us for a cleaning, re-etching and blackening - get in touch.